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Curious to hear more about what we can offer? Don't hesitate to fill out the contact form and get in touch.

Location C/Acacias 2 BA, La Nucia 03530
Phone +34 622-49-46-54

Machinery breakdown


Through this modality, it is intended to guarantee the direct material damages that the machinery may suffer and make its repair or replacement necessary due to any cause that is specified.

Possibility of being able to contract coverage of loss of benefits as a result of any damage.
Value again, use value, or agreed depreciation.
Any other formula.

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Contact us

Getting in touch is easy

Curious to hear more about what we can offer? Don't hesitate to fill out the contact form and get in touch.

Location C/Acacias 2 BA, La Nucia 03530
Phone +34 622-49-46-54

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